Many of the security and privacy attacks on mail software bases on HTML messages. Also, many users dislike HTML, because it practically forces a certain layout on them (although there are other ways to prevent that). That's why many advanced users arrived at the conclusion that HTML in email is a bad thing.
I don't completely agree with that. If, and only if,
Having written the plaintext mail display code, I know that much of it is basically guessing - what a URL is and where it ends, what quotes are, wrapping etc.. That's the reason for many problems (like the embarrasing comb-effect line wrap in quotes, produced by Microsoft Outlook Express) and endless discussions (Should abbreviated URLs like be recognized? What about ben@localmailserver? Should *important* be recognized as bold? How should quotes to signified by the sender?).
HTML puts an end to all that. Nested quotes, lists, headings, links are all clearly marked and can be displayed the way the user likes it (within the capabilities of the rendering engine) and this usually greatly improves readability. Everything wraps correctly.
The idea of the HTML Sanitizer is to reduce incoming HTML to only the harmless structural markup. This reduces the amount of code that could be exploited for security/privacy attacks significantly. Thus, we get the advantages of HTML (rich information) without the disadvantages (security/privacy risk, sender-defined layout).
But some users still prefer to view all mails in plaintext. That's why I added a mode that shows mails as plaintext only. If the sender sent a plaintext version, display that, ignoring the HTML version. In case the sender sent only HTML, the code will convert the HTML to plaintext first and then back to HTML for rendering. This is also slightly more secure, because it is very unlikely that evil HTML will slip through due to bugs in the sanitizer. It is still vulnerable to possible bugs in Mozilla's HTML parser and networking code, but the likeliness of that is small.
Finally, some users want to see the HTML source. This is as secure as plaintext, but IMO very user-unfriendly. That's why there's no UI for it.
UI option | pref values | ||
prefer_plaintext | html_as | disallow_mime_handlers | |
Original HTML | false | 0 | 0 |
Simple HTML | false | 3 | 1* |
Plaintext | true | 1 | 1* |
If you select one of the options, the prefs will be sat (premanently) and the message will be reloaded with the new settings.
Any other combination of the backend prefs will cause none of the menu items to
be selected initially, but you can still select them (overriding your custom prefs).
*If you manually sat your backend pref disallow_mime_handlers to a value > 1, this value will be used for the UI options Simple HTML and Plaintext.
Some particularly interesting uses could be
pref name (no spaces) | default value | Description | ||||||||||||
mailnews. display. prefer_plaintext | false | Ignore HTML parts in multipart/alternative | ||||||||||||
mailnews. display. html_as | 0 | How to display HTML parts.
| ||||||||||||
mailnews. display. html_sanitizer. allowed_tags | html head title body p br div(lang,title) h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 ul ol li(value,start,compact) dl dt dd blockquote(type,cite) pre noscript noframes strong em sub sup span(lang,title) acronym(title) abbr(title) del(title,cite,datetime) ins(title,cite,datetime) q(cite) a(href,name,title) img(alt,title,longdesc) base(href) area(alt) applet(alt) object(alt) var samp dfn address kbd code cite s strike tt b i table(align) caption tr(align,valign) td(rowspan,colspan,align,valign) th(rowspan,colspan,align,valign) | |||||||||||||
mailnews. display. disallow_ mime_handlers | 0 | Let only a few classes process incoming data. This protects from bugs (e.g. buffer overflows) and from security loopholes (e.g. allowing unchecked HTML in some obscure classes, although the user has html_as > 0).